by Fairhaven Baptist College | Oct 7, 2020 | Graduates Around the World, News
It was a fun night at the Fairhaven Baptist College World Series! Congratulations to the White Sox team for winning the night! [siteorigin_widget class=”kad_gallery_widget”][/siteorigin_widget]
by Fairhaven Baptist College | Sep 30, 2020 | Graduates Around the World, News
When one signs up to serve the Lord, one never knows where His direction for life will lead. As has often been said, it is not about how you start a race, but how you finish it. My story with the Lord could be said to have started with my salvation at age thirteen. I... by Fairhaven Baptist College | Sep 9, 2020 | News
We are thanking the Lord for the great student body that He has brought to FBC, and we are looking forward to a great semester! [siteorigin_widget class=”kad_gallery_widget”][/siteorigin_widget]
by Fairhaven Baptist College | Aug 26, 2020 | Graduates Around the World, News
2020 has definitely been a year to remember! It has been filled with uncertainties, challenges, and difficulties. Yet amongst all of that, the Lord has showed Himself strong and bountiful in blessings. In mid-January we had a super early Spring revival with Brother...
by Fairhaven Baptist College | Jul 29, 2020 | Graduates Around the World, News
Over the seven years since graduating from Fairhaven Baptist College, I have often thought of the spiritual challenge I received after the first activity we had on Labor Day of 2010. Bro. Eric Ramos spoke on the events in Elijah’s life as he hid from Ahab in the...