FBC Alumni – Clint Ammann

FBC Alumni – Clint Ammann

Clint and Grace (Porozynski) Ammann are alumni of both Fairhaven Baptist College (’04 and ’03) and Academy.  It was a joy to have Clint here this week to preach in college chapel as well as our mid-week church service.  The Ammanns are serving the Lord at...
FBC World Series

FBC World Series

Fairhaven’s version of the “College World Series” played out last Wednesday. Competition, as always, was intense. In the end, the “White Sox” came out on top.  

Ordination Service

This past Thursday night was a special service at Fairhaven. Daniel McDonald was ordained to the gospel ministry. Daniel grew up at Fairhaven and met his wife Christina while attending Fairhaven Baptist College. God has confirmed in his heart the call to pastor....

44th Anniversary of Fairhaven

After hundreds of hours of visitation, prayer, and preparation by our members, the Lord blessed with a tremendous Anniversary Sunday. Many drive-in guests attended along with over 2,200 bus riders. The afternoon included activities for adults and children alike. The...