by Fairhaven Baptist College | Aug 25, 2015 | News
Dr. Thomas Strouse, Dean of Bible Baptist Theological Seminary in Cromwell, Connecticut, taught a week-long module on the book of Isaiah. by Fairhaven Baptist College | Jul 21, 2015 | News
Our students are encouraged to enhance their college instruction through practical ministry service. A few of the students involved in the 2015 summer internship program are pictured below. by Fairhaven Baptist College | Jul 14, 2015 | News
Evangelist Eric Ramos has already had a busy summer itinerary. He has had the opportunity to speak in many churches, camps, and revival meetings across the country. He counts it a privilege to see many alumni faithfully serving the Lord. For more information about... by Fairhaven Baptist College | Jun 30, 2015 | News
Ura Schrock, men’s dorm supervisor, recently took some college men on a trip to Colorado. They had a good time of fellowship as they explored the beautiful state. Some activities included bouldering in Colorado Springs and the Royal Gorge as well as rock... by Fairhaven Baptist College | Jun 23, 2015 | News
Since college graduation, various FBC groups and representatives have traveled across the nation and to several foreign countries. FBC has been represented in many states (from Maine to Utah), as well as churches and mission works in Canada, Germany, France, and the...