by Fairhaven Baptist College | Jan 20, 2016 | Graduates Around the World, News
The year 1989 was life-changing for me. Having come from the South, a small fundamental Baptist church, a good Christian school, a godly pastor’s family, I found myself suddenly without all with which I had been surrounded. No one from my church or Christian school...
by Fairhaven Baptist College | Jan 20, 2016 | Graduates Around the World, News
God has been Good! My wife, Wilma, (Schrock) & I both graduated from FBC in 1995. We have been serving the Lord, here in the Black Hills of Wyoming & South Dakota ever since! As a Pastor’s family, we have enjoyed God’s blessings, and we have so much to be... by Fairhaven Baptist College | Jan 4, 2016 | News
The first Sunday evening of January was our traditional New Year’s service in which two of our college seniors preached. The service included lots of congregational singing as well as a time of church-wide prayer. Food and fellowship completed the night. ...
by Fairhaven Baptist College | Dec 15, 2015 | News
Last Wednesday the college students enjoyed an evening in Chicago. This “Christmas Lights” activity has been an annual tradition at Fairhaven for several decades. by Fairhaven Baptist College | Nov 23, 2015 | News
Hundreds of teens were challenged last week at the Empowered Youth conference, hosted by Fairhaven Baptist Church and College. Pastor Mark Wagner preached several pointed messages that the Lord used to change hearts. He pastors Hannahstown Road Baptist Church in...