by Fairhaven Baptist College | Jun 16, 2017 | Graduates Around the World
Greetings to you! A lot of changes have happened in the ministry for us in the past couple of years. We had been missionaries in Puerto Rico from 2000 till November 2015. God blessed in so many ways while we were there in allowing us to assist in helping two... by Fairhaven Baptist College | May 26, 2017 | News
We were blessed with another wonderful graduation service. This year Dr. Rodger Bottrell (himself the father of five Fairhaven Baptist College graduates) was our commencement speaker. What a joy and privilege to see young people going out to serve the Lord!
by Fairhaven Baptist College | May 16, 2017 | News
College students enjoyed a fun day at Greenfield Village in Dearborn, Michigan.
by Fairhaven Baptist College | May 3, 2017 | Graduates Around the World, News
Fairhaven Graduates church planting in Australia Marie Simpson graduated in 1987 as the first girl to go all the way from kindergarten through college at Fairhaven. She married Jon Hall, who graduated from Fairhaven Baptist College and was ordained in 1988. After...
by Fairhaven Baptist College | May 3, 2017 | News
This year’s Preaching Conference was a very special time of Biblical preaching and sincere fellowship among many pastors, missionaries, and laymen. A special blessing this year was hearing a number of our own graduates preach. We thank the Lord for His working...