by Fairhaven Baptist College | Apr 9, 2018 | Graduates Around the World
Hello from the North woods of Wisconsin, As I write we still have snow on the ground even though the first official day of spring has come and gone. Long cold winters are just a part of living in the North, and we are happy to be in the place God has called us to...
by Fairhaven Baptist College | Mar 9, 2018 | News
Volleyball Marathon is a tradition unique to Fairhaven Baptist College. It keeps the tuition down and the excitement up! There’s still time to support the college and help a student reach their goal. Donate here! Donations must be made by March 16! Click on the...
by Fairhaven Baptist College | Feb 28, 2018 | News
A group consisting of several high school seniors, college students, and church members returned last week from a missions trip to Mexico City. They spent many days serving with Missionary Clint Rardin (’94) through witnessing, maintenance projects, Bible clubs,...
by Fairhaven Baptist College | Feb 27, 2018 | News
The 2018 yearbook is now available for pre-order. Place your order before March 31 and receive a $40 Picaboo gift card. Don’t forget the ability to personalize your book (back cover and 4 additional pages) at no additional charge! All orders and personalization...
by Fairhaven Baptist College | Feb 23, 2018 | News
College students enjoyed going to the Chicago Auto Show last week. Before heading to the city, Joe and Lori LaBate treated everyone to a delicious Italian dinner. Some weren’t quite sure about the idea of a “car show,” but by the end of the evening,...