by Fairhaven Baptist College | Mar 8, 2017 | News
The conference is now less than seven weeks away, and it’s time for Round 6 of the PC Trivia Contest! (To those who were wondering what the answer was to the Round 5 question, the correct answer was Dr. Roy Thompson, Cleveland, Ohio.) The first two people to...
by Fairhaven Baptist College | Feb 27, 2017 | Graduates Around the World, News
Grace and I have been serving at Anchor Baptist Church in Salt Lake City, Utah since August of 2006. It’s been more than ten years since we have come to Utah. God has been good each step of the way as we have seen Him bring us through difficult circumstances and... by Fairhaven Baptist College | Jan 31, 2017 | Graduates Around the World, News
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by Fairhaven Baptist College | Jan 31, 2017 | Graduates Around the World, News
Greetings, The year 2016 has been quite eventful for my family and me. Since 2013, my wife and I had been working at Anchor Baptist Church in Salt Lake City, Utah. I filled the position of Assistant Pastor under the guidance and leadership of Pastor Randy Love. We...
by Fairhaven Baptist College | Jan 25, 2017 | News
The conference is now less than 13 weeks away, and it’s time for Round 3 of the PC Trivia Contest! This question is for FBC Alumni (must have completed at least one semester at Fairhaven Baptist College). The first person to email the correct answer to...