Student Offerings
All students are required to attend chapel on Monday and Tuesday of each week from 11:00 a.m. to 11:50 a.m. Students enjoy listening to preaching from faculty members as well as special speakers.
Catch the Live Stream Here! Most Mondays and Tuesdays @ 11:00 a.m. CST
Ministry Opportunities
The strong emphasis on the practical gives Fairhaven graduates the tools and knowledge to accomplish the job. However, ministries are not built in the same way secular organizations are. It takes more than knowing how to prepare sermons or knowing the mechanics of the bus ministry. It takes the power of God. Every man that has been used of God has professed the need for Holy Spirit power. Furthermore, the Scriptures must be real to the students–revered and followed. The goal of Fairhaven Baptist College is for students to experience prayer and answers to prayer as a reality and not as mere ritual.
The purpose of Fairhaven’s music program is to communicate the gospel with fervor and depth while rejecting contemporary styles and methods. Old-fashioned and heart-warming are two descriptions most often used when describing the musical flavor exhibited at Fairhaven. Student musicians regularly take part in college chapel, church services, and with the orchestra.
The sports program at Fairhaven is not designed to produce “star” athletes, but rather to develop strong character and a philosophy of teamwork. Men may choose to participate in our intercollegiate soccer and basketball programs. Our young ladies can join in the fun with intermural volleyball games and other sporting events.