It is no secret that reading is a means through which we initiate and maintain personal growth. We read to know God, and we read to grow in our ability to honor Him in every area of our lives. There are many areas of a Christian’s life that need growth. We also know that the Bible is the most important book and covers every area of our lives. As C.H. Spurgeon said, “visit many good books, but live in the Bible.”
Watch your inbox for more book reviews from Fairhaven. If you are not subscribed to our email newsletter, you can do so here. We join with Isaac Watts who once said, “Talking over the things which you have read with your companions fixes them on the mind.”
This week’s book review is from Christian Modesty & the Public Undressing of America by Jeff Pollard. Download a pdf of the review here or click on the picture below.
You can purchase the book here for a limited time for only $8.98 including shipping.