Dear Fairhaven Baptist Church and College,
It has been a very busy year for our family as well as our church (Richmond Baptist Church in Richmond, Indiana) as we travel through 2016. We began the year by raising over $3,000 to purchase paper for the printing of Bibles through Bearing Precious Seed of Milford, OH. At the same time, we were able to remodel the fellowship hall in our basement, a project that desperately needed to be completed. It was not long after completing the fellowship hall that we were able to enjoy the first use of it with a church dinner on Easter Sunday. We hope to remodel the kitchen this coming winter.
May brought our annual Mother/Daughter Banquet. My mom Julie Allen spoke this year giving testimony of how God has helped her through her continuing battle with Multiple Myeloma and the importance of faith when dealing with trials The ladies were greatly blessed by her testimony.
The year did not slow down as we headed into summer with our annual 4th of July cookout at our home as well as our annual VBS. We had a great, military themed program that brought in over sixty kids with several salvations. It also gave our bus route a much needed boost in the arm. The week successfully concluded with a carnival on Friday night to which the parents of the kids were invited.
Each year our family helps with a day camp called “Cowboy Camp” a ministry of Calvary Baptist Church. The Pastor and I have been friends for many years and we enjoy getting to serve in that ministry each year helping in any way that we can. This year we had 360 kids in attendance and over 50 kids saved. It is a very taxing week physically, but an amazing week spiritually.
The next event on our churches calendar was the 15th anniversary of the church. Richmond Baptist Church was founded the first weekend of September in 2001 by Pastor Jay Sheppard. This year we brought back Bro. Sheppard to preach for us and we had a phenomenal day! We had 96 in attendance (a record attendance since we have been here) and had one of the greatest services we have held. The preaching was fantastic, the singing was amazing, and the food was pretty good as well! We are still so excited recalling what God did that Sunday and continue to pray for and pursue some permanent fruit as a result of the day.
As for our family, we are excited to announce that Allen number five is on his/her way. Seeing how the dog and the roosters are the only male presence on the place besides myself, I would not be too disappointed if it were a boy this time, but certainly we look
forward to adding to our adorable collection of girls as well. We are thankful that God provided for Kara’s second (and prayerfully last) eye surgery. Surgery went well and her eyes are now straight and she is seeing much better.
We thank you all for your thoughtfulness and prayers and look forward to the next time our paths will cross!
By His Grace and for His Glory,
The Allen’s

The Allens’ four daughters