Since college graduation, various FBC groups and representatives have traveled across the nation and to several foreign countries. FBC has been represented in many states (from Maine to Utah), as well as churches and mission works in Canada, Germany, France, and the Czech Republic.

The ensemble enjoyed a morning at Tabernacle Baptist Church in Tioga, Pennsylvania. Pictured here are Pastor Steve (’91) and Jennifer (’92) Neff and their family.

Missionary Jon Rettig (l) and Dan Armacost (r) in Prague, Czech Republic

After the ensemble served at Lee Baptist Church in Lee, Maine, Pastor and Mrs. Bickford showed them around their beautiful state.

The ensemble visited Niagara Falls en route to Bethel Baptist Church which is pastored by Dr. Wilbert Unger in London, Ontario, Canada.

The ensemble members were privileged to be counselors at Independent Baptist Camp in Utah.

Noah (’02) and Melissa (’02) Schrock and their family are pictured here with the ensemble at New England Baptist Church, Medford, Massachusetts.

Dan Armacost was able to preach and present FBC to the good people of Hohenfels Baptist Church in Hohenfels, Germany. Pictured here are Pastor John Radank and Dan Armacost.

While presenting FBC at Eifel Baptist Church (near Spangdahlem Air Force Base in Germany), the Armacosts enjoyed some fellowship with Jon (FBC alumni) and Sarah Loew.

Emilie Rettig (second from the left) and Jennifer Armacost (fourth from the left) are pictured here with several ladies of the church in Prague, Czech Republic.

The Armacosts were able to be with Missionary Philip Abbett and his family in Boves, France.

The ensemble worked along side the people of Bethel Baptist Church (London, Ontario) for a special outreach day.

The ensemble enjoying some beautiful scenery on their way to Foothills Baptist Church in Loveland, Colorado.