Hundreds of teens were challenged last week at the Empowered Youth conference, hosted by Fairhaven Baptist Church and College. Pastor Mark Wagner preached several pointed messages that the Lord used to change hearts. He pastors Hannahstown Road Baptist Church in Cabot, Pennsylvania. Other guest speakers included two FBC alumni, Pastor Allen Golden (Jefferson City, Missouri) and Pastor Jeff Ferguson (Des Moines, Iowa). Pastor Parrish, Pastor Damron, and Eric Ramos also preached.
Visiting teens filled the ladies’ dorm and overflowed the men’s dorm! Groups came from Cambodia, Korea, Mexico, Quebec, Ontario, Alaska, California, Texas, Wyoming, Alabama, etc., etc.

These teens are all children of our alumni. How exciting to have so many here for the week.

FBC alumni Mark and Elizabeth Wagner

9th-12th grade competition winners

7th and 8th grade competition winners