Andy (’04) and Anna (’06 Notestine) Almanza

by | Sep 8, 2017 | Graduates Around the World

It is very hard to believe that it has been 13 years since I have graduated from Fairhaven Baptist College. So much has happened during that time that I could not possibly update you on everything nor would you want me to. What I can say is that God has been faithful to me more than I ever could have imagined. Anna and I are celebrating 12 years of marriage this December, and God has given us four children. Martha is now 9 years old, in the 4th grade, and still giving me gray hairs. Allen, 7, has joined her in that department as well. He’s in 2nd grade and loves to work with tools. My two “Utah” babies are Amelia and Kara.

When I look back at my years at Fairhaven Baptist Church, I remember so many faithful people. Faithful husbands and wives, faithful fathers and mothers, faithful members and faithful workers for the Lord. I remember my Sunday School teachers, my Christian school teachers, my Awana leaders, my coaches, my youth pastor and youth workers and my pastor – all who served God day after day, week after week, and year after year.  This faithfulness and work ethic is what I have come to appreciate the most about my training.

In the summer of 2016, we moved to Lancaster, PA to help Pastor Gardner and Bible Baptist Church of Leola. So far, it’s been exciting to see the church moving forward for God. We started a VBS in the summer, a 4th-6th grade children’s church, a new movers visitation program and (starting in the fall of 2017) a Christian School. We are also preparing for the church’s 25th Anniversary this September by passing out John/Romans throughout the area and having cottage prayer meetings. Dr. Mike Allison will be preaching a week long revival at this time too.

We are also preparing for the next part of church growth – the reaching of our county. In October of this year, we will be replanting Gospel Light Baptist Church in Millersville, PA. Millersville is a growing city on the other side of Lancaster City, and there is no independent, Baptist Church in this part  of Lancaster County. There is a state university here and plenty of potential to reach many in the southwest side of Lancaster City as well. Please pray for us in this endeavor for Christ. Gospel Light Baptist Church has 5 members so it will be very much like a church plant.

Thank you once again for your investment in our lives. We are excited about what God is doing at Fairhaven as well and look forward to seeing much fruit until the Lord comes!


Andy Almanza